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Handling and Storage

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Handling and Storage

The most important thing about handling essential oils is to treat them with respect, for these are living things and wise healers. At home keep them somewhere that intuitively feels right, where you feel peaceful and relaxed, or near a sacred picture, a religious symbol or on a shrine. Many people keep their most precious spiritual articles together, and the essential oils could be keep with them.

There are other considerations though, Essential oils don't like light and heat and should be kept in dark glass bottles stored away from both natural and artificial light and heat sources.

They should also be stored away from sources of radiation and electromagnetism such as micro waves, computers, and radios, Cd players and TVs. It is quite difficult to find a place that fits all these requirements in a typical modern home, but, with a bit of thought and ingenuity, a suitable place can be found. 

Also there are various devices on the market designed to counteract these energies. If your usual sacred area is too light, simply store the essential oils in a box, or make a space for the essential oils in a shaded place - a cupboard for example - perhaps putting around them some of your other precious and sacred things, whatever it is that means 'sacred' to you.

Above all, think of the essential oils as living things which deserve to be treated with reverence, because the power of nature, of creation, of light, of love is within them.

Reference: The Fragrant heavens: V. A. Worwood



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